Green Thumbs Needed to Help Support Claver House

Claver House Seedling Planting Program

St. Gabriel families will be participating in Claver House's Seedling Planting Program along with several other parishes. Claver House has a community garden in North St. Louis in the Ville neighborhood. They would like us to help start their seedlings indoors. Families can sign up to plant 2 dozen of a particular vegetable and grow it at home until it is ready to be planted in mid-April. Many of the veggies call for planting indoors in early February, so we want to get moving quickly.

Please sign up by February 1 if your family is interested. We also need volunteers to help prepare the garden and help plant. This is a great way to give back to the community and get the whole family involved.

Contact Nancy Durante @ 314-504-3219 with questions.

Sign up by clicking HERE